Carl Djerassi, creator of the contraceptive pill, has passed away

Carl Djerassi (1923 – 2015)

Oil/Water Separation Using a Switchable Mesh
Copper mesh with pH-switchable wettability can be used for on-demand oil/water separation

Enhanced Ethanol Oxidation Using Trimetallic Nanoalloys
RhPdPt nanoalloys display a high electrocatalytic activity toward ethanol oxidation

French Young Chemists’ Network Created
France's regional young chemist groups decided to work together in order to be stronger and more visible

Purify Wastewater Though Freezing
Experiments to develop an energy-efficient wastewater purification method

Get Fit for 2018 REACH Registration Deadline
ECHA has published a REACH 2018 Roadmap explaining how to register

Charles Hard Townes (1915 – 2015)
Charles H. Townes, co-inventor of the laser, has passed away

Photochemical Nitrogen Conversion
Chalcogels containing FeMoS clusters are capable of photochemically reducing nitrogen to ammonia when irradiated by white light

A Burst of Aroma
Light-induced generation of gas breaks open microcapsules and releases fragrances

Combining Family and a Scientific Career
Combining family and work is always a challenge - the question is not really if it is possible but rather how