Evogene announces successful completion of first computational discovery of novel microbial genes for insect control

Computational Technology Finds Genes for Insect Control

ChemPubSoc Europe Fellows Program
A Unique Experiment – A Unique Success: European Chemical Societies Instigate Honors Program

LyondellBasell Acquires SJS Plastiblends
LyondellBasell has entered into a definitive agreement for the acquisition of the polypropylene compounds (PPC) manufacturer

Sabic Postpones Acrylonitrile Plant
Due to escalating costs, Sabic has postponed to build a world-scale acrylonitrile complex at Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia

From Science Fiction to Innovation
Fantasy Library uses science fiction as pool for ideas to new products and techniques

Enhanced Materials for Organic Photovoltaics
Merck and Nano-C join to develop highly stable, easy to process, cost effective fullerene derivatives for organic photovoltaics (OPV)

Desulfurization Gives Value-Added Products
New method for hydrogen sulfide removal with sodium naphthalenide yields useful products

Chemistry and Light Contest: Enter and Win
You are invited to write an essay and may win an iPad

Communication Along the Supply Chain
Dr. Erika Kunz, Clariant, talks about the importance of supply-chain management and what it means for an international company

Top Ten Chemical Companies in 2014
Comparing chemical sales of worldwide, chemical companies