Remembering Emanuel August Merck (1855 – 1923) on his 100th death anniversary

Geheimer Medizinalrat, Dr. med. h. c., Dr. ing. h. c., Dr. phil.

New World-Scale Chlorine Plant in Spain
Covestro launched first world-scale plant based upon energy-efficient oxygen depolarized cathode technology in Terragona

EU Emission Reduction for New Trucks and City Buses
Commission proposes zero emissions target for new city buses by 2030 and 90 % emissions reduction for new trucks by 2040

First Bio Aerogel Company
The start-up aerogel-it developed a high-performance insulating material that is entirely of biological origin

Green Steel Plant in Finland
The Norwegian Blastr Green Steel is planning a green steel plant with an integrated hydrogen production facility

PlasCO2: Project to Transform CO2 Into a Raw Material
A project consortium consisting of four partners from industry and research: Evonik, LIKAT, INP, and Rafflenbeul Anlagenbau GmbH

Linde Acquires the Remaining Interests in nexAir
One of the largest US independent packaged gas distributors sold

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Riblet Films Make Boeings More Environmentally Friendly
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