Evonik expands expertise and capacities for chemical catalysts
Investment in Fixed-Bed Catalysts
Angewandte Chemie 11/2016: Awakening
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Guess the Chemist (51)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?
Diagnosis by Lab-on-a-Drone
In the future, drones equipped with PCR instruments and smartphones could be flying over disease-stricken areas
Wood as a Renewable and Abundant Resource
Alfred Teischinger, BOKU, Vienna, talks about wood chemistry and wood as an engineering product
Polymer Wash Keeps Nanoparticles Moving
Flooding oil reservoirs with a polymer solution prevents nanoparticle contrast agents from getting stuck on the rocks
DECHEMA Plaque to Norbert Pfeil
Norbert Pfeil awarded for his "tireless, voluntary, and extremely successful work"
BASF’s Plant Biotechnology Research
BASF is refocusing plant biotechnology research and will restructure Plant Science operations
New Air Separation Unit in Turkey
The Linde Group and Erdemir Group to build new air separation unit in Iskenderun, Turkey
BASF Might Sell Industrial Coatings Business
BASF intends to sell its global industrial coatings business to AkzoNobel