Aluminum/tungsten oxide electrochromic battery with a high specific capacity

Electrochromic Battery Charges in Seconds

CO2 Instead of Crude Oil
Covestro launches industrial production of plastics using carbon dioxide

New Catalysts for Biorefinery
Nickel-catalyzed hydrogenolysis of glycerol

Waste CO2 Turned to Stone
Safe carbon capture and storage experiment in Island

Data Sharing For Korea REACH
ReachCentrum has launched an online tool for secure data sharing

Chemistry of Beau Jeu, the EURO Football
The European Football Championship 2016 ball, Beau Jeu, has five polyurethane layers which make for its uniqueness

Speed & Focus for BAFS’s Research
Research Press Conference emphasizes ability to readjust and innovate as success factor for chemical and technology companies

Phosphorus from Wastewater
Market-ready system recovers phosphate fertilizer from wastewater for direct use in agriculture

Guess the Character (2)
Can you guess the character from the description?

Behind the Science: Promoting the Water-Gas Shift Reaction
Partially reduced Ni-containing phyllosilicate structures enhance catalytic performance