Team Membranos explain their reverse osmosis desalination plant
TUM DeSal Challenge 2016: Team Membranos
TUM DeSal Challenge 2016: Team Alavi
Team Alavi explain their ultrasound-based desalination plant
TUM DeSal Challenge 2016: Team Still Waiting
Team Still Waiting explain their modified solar still
TUM DeSal Challenge 2016: Team SolarPura
Team SolarPura explain their humidification-dehumidification plant
Today for Tomorrow
Klaus Unger's 80th Birthday Symposium at a castle overlooking the Rhine Valley looked into the future of materials sciences
Hazardous Chemicals Not Child-Resistant
Many EU products with hazardous chemicals that should be sold in packaging with child resistant fastenings don't adequately protect children
Recycling Multi-Layer Packaging
DOW introduces a technology, which enables the recyclability of polyethylene-based barrier
Toxic Chemicals Regulation in the US
President Barack Obama signed into law the bill reforming the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
2015 Impact Factors
Excellent results for Wiley and Wiley-VCH in the 2016 Journal Citation Reports
What is HPLC?
How does HPLC work, the single biggest chromatography technique essential to most laboratories worldwide