British chemist and entrepreneur, discoverer of the first synthetic organic dye and the Perkin reaction for the production of cinnamic acid and coumarin

Sir William Henry Perkin (1838 – 1907)

100th Anniversary: Death of William Odling
English chemist who contributed to the development of the periodic table and the concept of valence

Love Stories Among Chemists
Quiz about famous chemist couples

Guess the Chemist (110)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

François Stanislas Cloez (1817 – 1883)
Pioneer in analytical chemistry who worked with essential oils, identifies eucalyptol, prepared cyanamide, and analyzed the famous Orgueil meteorite

50th Anniversary: Death of Charles D. Coryell
American chemist co-discovered promethium

Sir Hans Adolf Krebs (1900 – 1981) – Part 3
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1953 and Krebs' thoughts about life as a displaced person

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Wilhelm Haarmann (1847 – 1931)
Co-discoverer of the first synthesis of vanillin

Paul Immerwahr (1866 – 1926)
Brother of Clara Immerwahr who provided the stimulus and money for the syntheses of the insecticide pyrethrum and artificial pepper