Extracts of black cumin seeds improve intestinal symptoms associated with food allergies

Black Cumin against Food Allergies

Most Accessed Articles: June 2012
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for June 2012

Currant Seeds Defend DNA
Currant seed extracts exert protective functions on human lymphocytes DNA and chromosome aberration

Sports Supplement Origin: Synthetic vs. Natural
Stimulant marketed as “natural” in sports supplements is actually of synthetic origin according to isotope study

Society Journals Leading the Pack
Comparing the 2011 ISI Impact Factors of ChemPubSoc Europe, RSC, and ACS journals

2011 Impact Factors of ChemPubSoc Europe Journals
2011 ISI Impact Factors: 100 % of journals in multidisciplinary category amongst top 20 journals

2011 ISI Journal Impact Factors
Excellent results for Wiley's and Wiley-VCH's 2011 ISI Impact Factors, e.g. new record IF for Angewandte Chemie of 13.455

Vegetarian Isotopes
Study of trace metals in blood samples from vegetarians and omnivores reveals how gender and diet influence metal's accumulation

New Process for Menthol Production
BASF will be putting the world's largest production plant for nature-identical menthol into operation in summer 2012

The Chemistry of Tasty Tomatoes
Set of aroma volatiles defines tomatoes' flavor intensity and consumers' preferences