Fragrant, aromatic bread, whether its wheat- or rye-based, undergoes a host of chemical reactions during the kneading of the dough

Our Daily Bread — Part 2

Guess the Chemist (15)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Donation of Most Well Known German Chemical Journals
Bound volumes of Angewandte Chemie, Nachrichten aus der Chemie, and Chemie in Unserer Zeit will be given away

Plaque to the Future
Dental plaque scraped from the teeth of paleolithic human remains analyzed to reveal how oral microbes have changed over time

Sudden Cardiac Death
Holiday overindulgence and catecholamines resulting from stress or excitement can can trigger arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death

Enzymatic Nanocomplexes Against Alcohol Intoxication
Chinese researchers created enzymatic nanocomplexes which can be used to counteract and prevent alcohol intoxication

Most Accessed Articles: January 2013
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for January 2013

Top Ten Emerging Technologies in 2013
The real challenge of the future lies in moving from a linear to a circular economy and re-introducing waste into the production chain

Detecting Off-Flavors in Live Fish
In vivo solid-phase microextraction (SPME) offers a simple and rapid way to test for off-flavor compounds in live fish

Our Daily Bread — Part 1
Transformation of ripe ears of grain into a fragrant, aromatic bread borders on the miraculous and behind such a miracle lies chemistry