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Guess the Chemist (24)

Wonderlab Comic – Shennong
The inhabitants of the Wonderlab discuss the myth of Shennong and ponder on the chemicals found in our food

Discover the Joy of Science with LUMA Centre Finland
LUMA Centre Finland promotes the collaboration of schools, universities, and the business sector

Poetry and Chemistry
Professor Mario Markus, scientist, artist, author, and poet, talks about what science can offer to art and how art can benefit science

Searching for Xmas Presents?
Still searching for a Christmas present? Editors recommend Christmas presents with a scientific flavor ...

Winner of Last iPad Raffle is pleased to announce the winner of the last raffle

Sweet Poison
Star fruit neurotoxin identified

Prakash Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Prakash, India, awarded from the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) and Food ingredients (Fi) Europe

The Falling Walls Conference
The tremendous possibilities arising for mankind were presented in a single day

Healthy Baked Blueberries?
UK scientists analyzed the impact of baking processes on the health benefits of blueberries