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Summer Reading Sweepstakes

The Mystery of Turkish Black Tea
Effect of rolling methods and storage on volatile constituents of Turkish black tea

Chemist Photo Quiz – Answer 1
Solution: Who is on the first picture

Neville Compton to Become Editor-in-Chief of Angewandte Chemie
Neville Compton will succeed Peter Gölitz effective on October 1, 2017

2016 Impact Factors of ACES Journals
Newest Journal Citation Report results for the journals published by the Asian Chemical Editorial Society (ACES)

2016 Impact Factors of ChemPubSoc Europe Journals
Newest Journal Citation Report results for the journals published by ChemPubSoc Europe and their sister journals

Food or Fraud?
DNA barcoding technique combined with nanotechnology enables food authentication with the naked eye

BASF or Syngenta Could Buy Bayer Assets
BASF and Syngenta among bidders for assets that Bayer is selling to complete merger with Monsanto

From Manuscript to Article
What happens between submission and publication of your scientific article?

Guess the Chemist (66)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?