Liver hormone released by alcohol stimulates thirst center

How Does the Thirst-Making Effect of Alcohol Come About?

Safe Alcohol Limits May Be Set Too High
Large survey study found that threshold for lowest risk of mortality is about 100 g alcohol/week

Sustainable Agriculture of the Future
Bayer’s global ForwardFarming initiative expands network to North America with the launch of its first U.S. farm

Blockchain Technology Enters Meat Production
BASF and arc-net collaborate to reduce emissions from agricultural and livestock sectors

Most Accessed Articles: March 2018
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Solving Urea's Solubility Problem
Less hygroscopic forms of urea could improve the compound's use in fertilizers

Waste from Berries as an Antioxidant Source
Press residues from berry juice production can provide antioxidants for use in foods

Plant Ingredients as Food Contaminants
The problematic analysis of pyrrolizidine alkaloids and their sometimes unclear behavior in food make a risk assessment difficult

Most Accessed Articles: February 2018
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Optical Sensor Array Can Tell Syrups and Honeys Apart
Two-component probe system discriminates between 27 different honeys and 3 different syrup samples