How food components interact with the GABA type A receptor and the search for neuroactive food ingredients
What Controls our Choice of Food? – Part 1
Does the Juicing Method Change the Health Benefits of Vegetable Juice?
Phytochemical content and antioxidant activity of common vegetable juices analyzed
A More Sustainable Beer-Delivery Supply Chain
Alfa Laval acquires Sandymount, a beverage technology company with a patented membrane technology for concentrating beer
The Content you Liked Best in 2020
Take a look at ChemistryViews' most viewed content published throughout the year 2020
Wilhelm Haarmann (1847 – 1931)
Co-discoverer of the first synthesis of vanillin
Paul Immerwahr (1866 – 1926)
Brother of Clara Immerwahr who provided the stimulus and money for the syntheses of the insecticide pyrethrum and artificial pepper
First Approval for Lab-Grown Meat
The Singapore Food Authority has approved Eat Just's cell-grown chicken, which is grown from stem cells taken from an animal's fat or muscle
Recipe for Lebkuchen
German gingerbread is soft and moist and is made with nuts and a special spice mixture, the Lebkuchen spice
Sourdough Chemistry
A stable symbiotic culture of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts used as a leavening agent
Recipe for Vanilla Anise Cookies (Anisplätzchen)
Another kitchen experiment: The cookies must develop "feet"