Which food components might modify brain activity patterns and induce compulsive eating?

What Controls our Choice of Food? – Part 2

How Does Information Processing Work in the Human Brain?
Research cooperation of Merck and Transylvanian Institute of Neuroscience on brain-inspired artificial intelligence

Silver Embedded in Antimicrobial Packaging Could Leach into Foods
Ingredients in foods and beverages could induce the formation of Ag nanoparticles

What Happens When Bananas Ripen?
Bringing ripe bananas to the market is not so easy, and what happens in the fruit during ripening?

What Controls our Choice of Food? – Part 1
How food components interact with the GABA type A receptor and the search for neuroactive food ingredients

Does the Juicing Method Change the Health Benefits of Vegetable Juice?
Phytochemical content and antioxidant activity of common vegetable juices analyzed

A More Sustainable Beer-Delivery Supply Chain
Alfa Laval acquires Sandymount, a beverage technology company with a patented membrane technology for concentrating beer

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Wilhelm Haarmann (1847 – 1931)
Co-discoverer of the first synthesis of vanillin

Paul Immerwahr (1866 – 1926)
Brother of Clara Immerwahr who provided the stimulus and money for the syntheses of the insecticide pyrethrum and artificial pepper