How does garlic destroy bacteria?

Bacteria Fear Garlic

Chemistry of a Hangover — Alcohol and its Consequences
How can a tiny molecule like ethanol be at the root of so much human misery?

Wonderlab Comic — Goggles
Everything is back-to-front when an accident in Wonderlab turns Sophie into the safety monitor

Women in Chemistry — Interview with Maria Gavrilescu
Maria Gavrilescu is professor at the Gheorghe Asachi Technical Universiry, Iasi, Romania, and author of highly cited review articles

25 Award Winning Highly Cited Papers
To celebrate its 25th birthday, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry presents 25 award winning, highly cited papers free to read

30 Years of Mass Spectrometry
Mass Spectrometry Reviews celebrates its 30th birthday with highly cited papers since 1983

Competition for EU Research and Innovation Programme Name
Create a catchy name for the next EU research and innovation programme

Fucoxanthin – Healthy Carotinoid from Seaweed
Biochemical mechanism for the anti-obesity and anti-diabetic activity of fucoxanthin, major carotenoid found in marine brown seaweed

Peppermint as Mainstream Medicine
Understanding how peppermint treats the gastrointestinal disorder IBS may move it from an alternative to a mainstream medicine

Canola Trait Licensing Agreement
New offerings to expand canola grower choices: Bayer CropScience and DuPont announce canola trait licensing agreement