Quick tests for EHEC (enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli) in food offered by Merck Millipore

Quick Tests for EHEC in Food

Wonderlab Comic — Alcohol Lamp
It's Gin-Jo's birthday in the Wonderlab and Sophie has arranged a little surprise

Enzymatic Enrichment of PUFA from Nile perch
Strategies for the enzymatic enrichment of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) from fish oil

Don't Be Afraid to Eat!
Hervé This, founder of Molecular Gastronomy, gives insights about food, its toxicity and the importance of chemistry

Detecting Melamine in Milk
Immunoassay that uses an optical biosensor can screen infant formula milk products for the toxic chemical melamine

Lycopene: Preventing Degradation
There is interest in incorporating lycopene into foods as it is a natural pigment and can also play a role in preventing disease

Hydrophilic Antioxidants of Virgin Olive Oil
Hydrophilic phenols are key factors for virgin olive oil quality

Quality of Dutch Chemical Research
Evaluation of quality of science performed within the Chemistry Departments at Dutch universities in the period 2001–2009

Healthy Tea and Coffee
New evidence that caffeine is a healthful antioxidant; shedding light on how caffeine interacts with free radicals

Attack of the Sequenced Fungi
Fungi that invade crops for food and biomass production have been genetically sequenced to reveal how they attack