Dark roast coffee is more effective than light roast in reducing body weight, restoring red blood cell vitamin E and glutathione concentrations

Coffee – Good for Your Health

Atomic Force Microscopy Can Control Fat Intake
Optimization of food’s functional properties through the manipulation of its molecular structure by using Atomic Force Microscopy

Dark Versus Light Beer
The distinctive different flavors of light and dark beer could be explained by the presence of iron according to Spanish researchers

Interview with Editors of ChemistryOpen
Interview with the editors of the new ChemPubSoc Europe journal ChemistryOpen – youngest member, but a first in many aspects

Everybody – Many – 60 – 15 – 4
German selection process for the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) from the North Rhine-Westphalian point of view and its success

Wonderlab Comic — Gloves
Gin-Jo and Sophie discover the importance of wearing — and removing — gloves

The Good And The Bad News for Chocolate Fans
As with any vice — Bieber, brews, or bars of chocolate — those who partake to excess will have a trove of excuses

The Chemist’s Fear of the Fugu
The chemist’s fear of the fugu or pufferfish extends as far as the distinctive and intriguing poison it carries

Ryoji Noyori Introduces RIKEN
Ryoji Noyori Introduces RIKEN, Japan’s flagship institution for comprehensive scientific research

Glutamate — From Discovery To Global Product
Since 1908 glutamate is known as the fifth taste and found in seaweed broth, asparagus, tomato, cheese, meat