Dow AgroSciences and Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Ecology collaborate to improve and enhance crops

Research Agreement Between Dow And Fraunhofer

Wonderlab Comic — Fashion Chemistry
The naming of the new elements causes a stir in the Wonderlab

Food Packed in Whey
Films coated with whey protein improve barrier effect and sustainability of food packaging

Pesto — Mediterranean Biochemistry
Klaus Roth uncovers the nature of this culinary-chemical marvel, and thereby comes to enjoy it all the more

Design Effective Figures for Scientific Publications
A brief guide to designing effective figures for the scientific paper created by University of Washington scientists

New Year’s Greetings from GDCh President
Professor B. Albert, the new GDCh (German Chemical Society) president, introduces herself to the membership

How Much Trans Fats Do You Eat?
Study of 339 German foods measures amount of trans fatty acids in common foods and identifies their source

Largest US Compound Library
US agencies collaborate to test 10,000 chemicals for potential toxicity

Launch of New Multidisciplinary Chemistry Journal
The first articles from the new Wiley-VCH and ChemPubSoc Europe journal ChemPlusChem are now online

Silica, SERS and Salmonella
Nanoprobe encapsulated in silica and hooked to a bacteriophage tailspike protein can identify Salmonella contamination