A green pigment often lends an odd sheen to nitrite-cured meat products. US chemists have now obtained its crystal structure

Green Cured Meat

Nicholson New Bayer CropScience R&D Head
Bayer CropScience names Dr. C. David Nicholson new Head of Research & Development

Most Accessed Articles: January 2012
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for January 2012

Deadly Chinese Mushrooms
Mushroom amino acids are revealed as the cause of sudden deaths in Yunnan province of China

Plant Hormone Synthesis Pathway
Findings could prove fruitful for agricultural researchers attempting to improve crop robustness and productivity

Efficient Maize
Computer model predicts the ability of different maize lines to produce high-yield offspring

Pesto — Mediterranean Biochemistry Part 2
In this last part we take a look at the synthesis of the perfect pesto

New EU Flavouring Regulation
The new Flavouring Regulation is of particular importance for the flavour industry worldwide

Why Is Alcohol Addicting?
Study reveals that drinking releases brain endorphins and suggests possible approach to treat alcohol abuse

Most Accessed Articles: December 2011
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for December 2011