What are GM Crops? What is their benefit? How are they made? What risks are there?

GM Crops

Interview with James T. Aquaticus
James Thermus Aquaticus, a Gram-negative thermophilic bacterium, talks about his involvement in the most important enzymes in molecular biology

New Pope, New Chemistry
Not only did the newly-elected Pope study chemical engineering, but the smoke that signals the decision involves some interesting chemistry

Our Daily Bread — Part 1
Transformation of ripe ears of grain into a fragrant, aromatic bread borders on the miraculous and behind such a miracle lies chemistry

What is Shale Gas? How Does Fracking Work?
How does hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and horizontal drilling make natural gas trapped in shale rock formations financially feasible and accessible?

Shampoo Science
The composition of a typical shampoo and how it works

The Science of Santa
173 million deliveries in 31 hours? We look at the science behind Santa's Technosleigh and what makes Rudolph's nose glow

Chemical Production in Compliance with Torah and the Koran: Part 1
Unusual interface between chemistry and religion, drawing upon examples from Islamic and Judaic law

The Chemical Journey of the Olympic Torch
Each of the 34 designs of the official Olympic torch has relyed on chemistry to stay alight throughout the torch relay

Chemical Secrets of the Violin Virtuosi — Part 1
What made Stradivari's violins so special? Klaus Roth looks at the important role of chemistry in Stradivari's workshop and instruments