Considering the rising temperatures and the costs of snowmaking, does it have a future?
Faking It: The Science of Artificial Snow
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Cut Flower Preservatives
Which solution helps cut flowers to stay fresh for a longer time?
Blood Types and Carbohydrate Chemistry
Simple carbohydrates play an important part in the AB0 blood types
The Saccharin Saga – Part 2
The early industrial production and organized smuggling of saccharin
The Saccharin Saga – Part 1
The invention of the first artificial sweetener and a lifetime battle for credit
Chemical Poems: Unbihexium
Poems based on the natural properties of each of the elements of the periodic table
Easter Egg Trivia
How much do you know about eggs and their chemistry?
Bridge Science and the Public – Interview with Donna Nelson
Professor Donna Nelson, University of Oklahoma, USA, talks about Hollywood, how to improve the image of scientists, and her motivation to advise a film crew
The Chemistry of Fireworks
Around the world, fireworks displays produce awe-inspiring moments on New Year's Eve