Entertaining science-related books and podcast episodes recommended by editors

Summer Reading 2018

Why Do We Smoke Nicotine and Not Inject It?
It is commonly known that we inhale the smoke of a cigarette. Find out why we do so

Tips for Video Shooting
Some very simple tips for beginners on how to improve your video to give you a better chance at the Element Video Competition

75th Birthday: Georg Schwedt
Georg Schwedt, Professor Emeritus, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany, celebrates his 75th birthday

The Chemistry of Dental Care – Part 1
What teeth are made of and the causes of tooth decay

The Chemistry of Pools
Why do we chlorinate pools and how does it work?

Photo Competition – Colorful Chemistry
Vote which picture should win a prize

What is a Football Shirt Made Of?
Different materials and their properties

Chemistry of the World Cup 2018 Ball
Telstar 18 is made of bio-based EPDM rubber

World Cup Ball Chemistry Quiz
Test your knowledge of the World Cup ball