An interactive introduction to the building blocks of matter for children of all ages

Periodic Table of the Elements Coloring Book

Searching for Christmas Presents?
Editors recommend science-themed holiday gift ideas

CO2 Extinguishes Candle
Extinguishing a candle with baking powder and vinegar

Chemistry Advent Calendar 2019
Daily highlights in video form

Chemistry & Art
A compilation of articles on chemistry in artworks, on art inspired by chemistry, about the work of scientific teams in museums

Chemistry & Cinema
A compilation of articles on chemistry in the movies

Bleach Cleaning Products Pollute Indoor Air
Cl-containing cleaning products combined with light and a citrus compound found in many household products may create indoor air pollutants

Engaging the Next Generation
Experiment competition organized by the International Younger Chemists' Network (IYCN) to create material for outreach

Tattooing From a Chemical Point of View
What are tattoo inks? Where in the skin is the tattoo? What happens when a tattoo is removed?

Chemical View on Guitar Strings
Inspired by the Woodstock anniversary, we look at the chemistry of guitar strings