China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe has landed on the far side of the Moon and will for the first time return samples from the far side to Earth
Lunar Rocks from the Far Side of the Moon
The Misjudgment of Heroin
From cure-all to most notorious drug of the 20th century
Who is Nature’s Biggest Stinker?
The striped skunk’s secretion is a highly complex natural substance and a masterpiece of sulfur chemistry
14 Cool Facts About the Number 14
ChemistryViews was launched 14 years ago – we took this as an opportunity to reflect on the number 14
Soundtrack Competition for Young Italian Musicians
The Italian Chemical Society (SCI) is hosting a national competition for young musicians to compose soundtracks for scientific films
The Chemistry Behind the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights
Beautiful natural phenomenon caused by the interaction between charged particles from the Sun and the Earth's atmosphere
Absinthe: The Magic of the Green Fairy – Part 3
How toxic is thujone and how much of it is absorbed when drinking?
Water-Based Paints: Less Smelly, But Still Harmful?
Investigating the chemical composition of popular water-based paint brands advertised as zero- or low-volatile organic compound (VOC)
Cooking & Chemistry
This growing collection explores the intersection of chemistry and cooking
The Molecular Marvels of the Transformers
The hypothetical chemistry behind the sentient alien robots that can transform into vehicles, machines, or creatures known from comic books, cartoons, toys, and movies