The unpleasant side-effect of enjoying asparagus which is seldomly talked about sounds like exciting chemistry

The Smell of Asparagus Urine

Guess the Character (9)
Can you guess the character from the description?

Where Does Cadmium in Cocoa Come From?
Since the beginning of 2019, the EU has regulated how much cadmium cocoa products may contain

Happy Birthday ChemistryViews!
Launched on this day ten years ago in Paris by 16 European chemical societies - Celebrate with us and have the chance to win prizes

How Does Thermal Paper Work?
Video explains how Printing of parking tickets and receipts works

The Smell of Asparagus Urine – Part 3
How does asparus change when it is cooked?

Chemistry Movie Fails
Share your movie knowledge - anniversary contest for May

ChemistryViews Wishes Happy Easter
A bit of reading and guessing material for the Easter holidays and experiments that can easily be done in the kitchen with children

The Smell of Asparagus Urine – Part 2
Why does asparagus produce odorous compounds?

SARS-CoV-2 Virus
What we know about the coronavirus and COVID-19