Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 38/2015: Volatility and Confinement

Efficient Solar Water-Splitting
Efficient energy capturing from sunlight via light-activated nanoparticles that capture hot electrons

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015 – Voting Results Friday 11 September
Latest results of the predictions for the next Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Kirigami Solar Cells Follow the Sun
Paper-cutting art makes simple tilting substrates to help solar cells follow the sun across the sky

Why Don't We Have Magnesium Batteries?
Magnesium ion batteries offer advantages over lithium, but cathode development presents an obstacle

Decorated Photocatalysts
Silver-decorated tantalate semiconductors make hydrogen from water and sunshine

Chemistry Connects – WiFo2015
The largest and most important scientific event of the GDCh, the Wissenschaftsforum (WiFo 2015) took place in Dresden

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015
Make your predictions for the 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Less Energy from Wind
Large wind farms slow down the wind and generate less electricity than previously thought

Hydrogen As Fuel
New method for producing hydrogen from diesel and biodiesel directly on site at conventional filling stations