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Guess the Chemist (70)

Metallic Cellulose Paper-Based Supercapacitor Electrodes
Flexible supercapacitor electrodes based on metallic cellulose papers

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017 – Voting Results 29 September
Latest results of the predictions for the next Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017 – Voting Results 22 September
Latest results of the predictions for the next Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Better Rechargeable Batteries Coming Soon?
Hybrid indium–lithium anodes provide fast interfacial ion transport

Pd–Mo Catalyst Turns Bio-Oil into Alkanes
Efficient hydrodeoxygenation with high yields

Porous Carbons for Supercapacitors
Solvent effects in metal-organic frameworks lead to controllable assembly of porous carbons

Hollow SnO2-C Microspheres as an Anode Material
Composite material for improved lithium-ion battery peformance

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017
Make your predictions for the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Inaugural Primo Levi Prize for Roald Hoffmann
Award honoring chemists who promote human rights