Cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) mapping of solid-liquid interfaces reveals lithium electrode degradation insights

Freezing Reveals Lithium Battery Surprise

Guess the Character (7)
Can you guess the fictional scientist from the description?

Carbon Nanoscroll Cathodes for Aluminum Batteries
Material with high anion storage capability and cycling stability

Summer Reading 2018
Entertaining science-related books and podcast episodes recommended by editors

Guess the Chemist (80)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Improved Polymers for Photocatalytic Water Splitting
Influence of heteroatoms on photocatalytic hydrogen evolution studied

Rapid Hydrogen Evolution using Oxidized Quantum Dots
Improved photocatalytic hydrogen evolution using CdS quantum dots

Better Understanding of Lithium-Ion Batteries
Formation of the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) studied

Covalent Organic Frameworks for Lithium-Ion Batteries
2D covalent organic framework on graphene as an efficient cathode material

Making Fuels from Waste Plastic
Neste aims to use waste plastic as a raw material for fuels and plastics