C. Cobley, ChemNanoMat, talked to J. Vela, Iowa State University, USA, about his work on germanium-based semiconductor nanoparticles

Behind the Science: Lead‐Free Semiconductors

Hybrid Nanosheets for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
Molybdenum trisulfide-graphene composite as a cathode material

Angewandte Chemie 3/2019: The Chemistry behind
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Research into Quantum Computing for Energy
ExxonMobil becomes first energy company to join the IBM Q Network

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Dual‐Ion Battery Outperforming Most Known Cells
Ferric ferricyanide anode enables reversible sodium ion intercalation

Soft Carbon Porous Nanosheets for Sodium‐Ion Storage
Microwave-induced exfoliation strategy for electrode materials

Towards Rechargeable Sodium-Ion Batteries
Multi-ion design for batteries with a high working voltage and good rate performance

Cost-Effective Storage for Renewable Energy
Extremely hot silicon emits light that specialized solar cells turn into electricity