Pioneer of zeolite catalysis passed away

Jens Weitkamp (1942 – 2019)

Beijing Declaration on Basic Science Signed
Chinese Academy of Sciences and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina make common pledge to promote science and basic research

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 – Voting Results September 6
Latest results of your predictions for the next Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019
Make your predictions for the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Doped Photovoltaics
Organic dye in zinc oxide interlayer boosts the performance of organic solar cells

Improving Hydrogen Release under Fuel-Cell Conditions
Magnesium-boride-based material for hydrogen cycling

High-Voltage Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrids
Fast redox reactions enhance the potential window for hybrid energy storage systems

Green Synthesis of Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cells
Non-toxic solar cells prepared with non-toxic solvents

Efficient, Heat-Stable Organic Solar Cells
Thermally stable organic solar cell based on an unusual combination of small molecule donor and polymer acceptor

What Happens When You Put a Nail Through a Lithium Battery?
Understanding contact resistance during nail penetration tests