"First make sure you both want to get married, then go to the mayor" - key advice on how the chemical industry can succeed in the Middle East
Obtaining the Keys to the Middle East
3rd EuCheMS Congress
Chemistry – A Creative Force. European chemical societies invite chemists from all backgrounds to a multidisipinary conference.
Frontiers of Chemistry – Virtual Event
Nobel Laureate Presentations Available On-Demand
Energizing Our Future Review
Energizing Our Future: Rational Choices for the 21st Century by J. Wilson and G. Burgh reviewed by M. Scheffer, Zug, Switzerland
Handbook of Fuels Review
Handbook of Fuels: Energy Sources for Transportation, editor B. Elvers, reviewed by Alexander Vogel, E.ON Ruhrgas AG, Germany
Introduction to Hydrogen Technology Review
Introduction to Hydrogen Technology by R. J. Press et al. reviewed by Klaus-Michael Mangold, DECHEMA e. V., Germany