Exxon Mobil licenses multi-zone stimulation technology well treatment process to Canyon Technical Services, Calgary, Canada
Well Technology Licensed
One-Phase for Biodiesel
Using ionic liquids for biodiesel production overcomes miscibility problem and allows recycling over several cycles
Saving Platinum
Monolayer of platinum atoms on a tungsten carbide support catalyzes the electrolytic production of hydrogen effectively and cheaply
Built-in Flaw Identified
New fabrication methods that provide smaller structures and sharper interfaces needed to increase solar cell efficiency
Angewandte Author Profiles
Helmut Werner, Leroy Cronin, Otto Wolfbeis, and Takuzo Aida, are interviewed this month
Awards Accepting Nominations
Find links to awards accepting nominations listed here – last update November 4, 2024
Fuel Up!
Allowing part of a palladium electrocatalyst to dissolve lets the core/shell act as an excellent oxygen reduction catalyst
1st Industrial-scale MOF Synthesis
Method developed for solvent-free industrial-scale manufacture of MOFs for better gas storage - new opportunities for natural gas-powered vehicles
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2010 was awarded to Wiley author Prof. Ei-ichi Negishi along with Richard Heck and Akira Suzuki
Nobel Prize Quiz
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