Hybrids of polyoxometalate clusters and carbon nanotubes can be used as cathodes in rechargeable lithium batteries

Hybrid Molecular Cluster Batteries

How Do Nuclear Plants Work?
General introduction in how nuclear plants work

Angewandte Chemie 12/2011: Worth Its Price
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Cheaper Channels for Solar Cells
Solar cells could be more affordable and efficient if made with new method that employs an ultrafast pulsing laser

Proteins: Food or Fuel?
Using proteins as a carbon source for energy production and biorefining could be possible with engineered microbial cells

Job: Publisher Physics & Commissioning Editor Materials Science
For international book programme Wiley-VCH offers: Publisher Physics; Commissioning Editor Materials Science; Trainee Materials Science/Physics/Chemistry

More Red Wine for the Superconductor
Hot alcoholic beverages such as red wine, sake and shochu can induce superconductivity in iron-based compounds

Smaller Turbines for Power Stations
Supercritical carbon dioxide cycle turbines promise improvements in efficiency of thermal to electric power conversion

Sweet Solution to Mobile Power
You might one day power your mp3 player or smart phone by simply pouring in a sugary drink, thanks to biofuel cells research

Angewandte Author Profiles March
Raymond Ziessel, Didier Astruc, Steven P. Nolan, and Ben L. Feringa, are interviewed this month