Bottom-up synthesis of hydrogen storage material gives cluster with lowest H2 desorption temperature to date

Hydrogen Storage: The Molecular Approach

First Science Slam in Karlsruhe
Falko Brinkmann organized the first Science Slam in Karlsruhe; here he talks about his inspiration and the event

Angewandte Chemie 16/2011: More Than Hotpot
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Oil and Natural Gas Distribution and Production
A look at the worldwide distribution of oil and natural gas and where they are produced

Angewandte Chemie 15/2011 – Be No Fool, Innovate!
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Wonderlab Comic — Fire Alarm
When the fire alarm rings in the Wonderlab – who is the first to safety and who is the cause?

Used Motor Oil Converted Into Fuel
New microwave method converts used motor oil Into fuel with excellent potential for commercial use

Electricity From River And Salty Ocean Water
Battery uses difference in salinity between fresh- and seawater to produce electricity - novel type of electrochemical system

General Facts on Radioactivity
General facts on radiation, inhalation, and radioactive isotopes

Nuclear Meltdown
General facts on a nuclear meltdown