Technip awarded refining contract in Brazil

More Low-Sulfur Content Diesel for Brazil

Solar Power without Solar Cells
An underestimated magnetic effect of light could lead to solar power without traditional semiconductor-based solar cells

Molybdenum Catalysts for Fuel Cells
Molybdenum-based catalysts found to be cheaper and faster for hydrogen production than platinum-based catalysts

Quicker Way to Triphenylamine Derivatives
Very fast, ligand-free reaction provides simple and inexpensive route to key components in dye-sensitized solar cells

First Practical Artificial Leaf
The development of the first practical artificial leaf is a milestone in the drive for sustainable energy

Angewandte Chemie 17/2011: A Good Catch
An overview of the latest edition of Angewandte Chemie

Safer Route to Uranium Materials
Improved path to uranium compounds could help develop advanced nuclear fuels in a safer, simpler manner

Nanoparticles Increase Biofuel Performance
Addition of alumina nanoparticles can improve the performance and combustion of biodiesel while producing fewer emissions

Cleaner Fuel with MOFs
Cleaner diesel and gasoline could be produced with metal–organic frameworks that remove nitrogen and sulfur contaminants

Invite Japanese Colleagues
Support website to coordinate relief efforts by the scientific community in response to the devastating earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan