R. Schlögl discusses the current energy mix of nuclear, fossil, and renewable energy carriers and shows the importance of chemistry

Chemistry's Role in Regenerative Energy

Chemistry Students & Graduates 2011 — Latest Trends From Germany
The GDCh published the 2010 statistics on chemistry students and graduates at Universities and Fachhochschulen in Germany

2010 ISI Journal Impact Factors
Excellent results for Wiley's and Wiley-VCH's 2010 ISI Impact Factors, e.g. new record IF for Angewandte Chemie

ChemPhysChem Has A New Editor-in-Chief
Dr. Greta Heydenrych named as Editor-in-Chief of ChemPhysChem

150 Years Department of Chemistry, University of Tokyo
For 150 years the Department has been maintaining its tradition as one of Japan's leading research institutes in the field of chemistry

BASF Invests in Sustainable Electromobility
Over the next five years, BASF will be investing in researching, developing and production of battery materials

Women in Chemistry — Interview with Vivian Yam
Vivian Yam, University of Hong Kong, was the youngest member to join the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wonderlab Comic — Die Leiden der Jungen Richpunzel
Richpunzel poors her lab-based sorrows out to her diary in the latest Wonderlab installment

RIKEN Beijing Representative Office
New RIKEN Representative Office opened in Beijing, China, to contribute towards developing Asian solutions to global issues like energy, environment, food

ChemSusChem Appoints New Editor-in-Chief
Guido Kemeling named as Editor-in-Chief of ChemSusChem