Open, flexible Internet platform provides resource maps and tools for evaluating the technical potential of renewable energies worldwide

Global Online Atlas for Renewable Resources

Rechargeable Batteries with Graphene Anodes
Cheaper and faster methods for creating nanomaterials that can be used for lithium-ion batteries developed

The Whole is Greater than the Sum of the Parts
Three engineered dehydrogenase enzymes self-assemble to form a hydrogel that oxidizes methanol to CO2 and can be used in biobatteries

Next Generation Battery Technology
Arkema and OXIS partner to develop polymer lithium sulfur cells battery technology, the next generation of battery

Answer: Microbial World Quiz
Answers to the quiz on the most fascinating and underrated organisms on the planet – microbes

Sunggyu Lee on the Future of Energy Technology
Sunggyu Lee, USA, on where energy technology is heading, the role of governments in its development, and his latest research

First Efficient Noble-metal-free Photocatalytic System
First efficient noble-metal-free photocatalytic system for proton reduction using copper-based photosensitizers

Most Accessed Articles: November 2012
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for November 2012

Influence of Climate Change on Chemicals
How Will Global Climate Change Influence the Way We Assess and Manage Chemicals in the Environment?

Modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Eventually, the local thermal equilibrium assumption can be safely adopted for thermal modeling of SOFCs running on hydrogen or alternative fuels