The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for January 2013

Most Accessed Articles: January 2013

Top Ten Emerging Technologies in 2013
The real challenge of the future lies in moving from a linear to a circular economy and re-introducing waste into the production chain

Tomas Kåberger on Global Energy Industry
Professor T. Kåberger, Sweden, expert of science, economics, and politics of the global energy industry with broad experience in Europe and Asia

Shale Gas: Impact on the Petrochemical Industry
Development of shale oil and gas has opened new sources of oil, natural gas, and key petrochemical feedstocks

What is Shale Gas? How Does Fracking Work?
How does hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and horizontal drilling make natural gas trapped in shale rock formations financially feasible and accessible?

Carbon Capture Project Launched
Air Products’ Phase One Carbon Capture Project Onstream in Texas

Alpha-Laion Project Will Boost Battery Technology
German firms collaborate on lithium-ion battery development project

Most Sustainable Companies
Corporate Knights announced its Global 100 list of the world’s most sustainable corporations at the World Economic Forum in Davos

Most Accessed Articles: December 2012
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for December 2012

Nanovoid Photoanode
Facile method to improve the efficiency of solar energy conversion by preparing nanovoid 2D ordered arrays by a simple self-assembly procedure