Microwave synthesis of a high-performance nanorod/graphene hybrid for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries

Nanocomposite Battery Materials

Angewandte Chemie Celebrates 125 Years
With a packed program of highest caliber scientists around the globe celebrated the journal with an exciting and inspiring day

Quiz for Angewandte Symposium
Test your knowlege on the Angewandte Chemie and get the chance to win a Wiley book voucher worth EUR 250

Angewandte Author Profiles February 2013
Licheng Sun, Peter J. Sadler, Manuel Alcarazo, Tomislav Rovis, Jieping Zhu, Hisashi Yamamoto, and Jun-An Ma were interviewed in February

Donation of Most Well Known German Chemical Journals
Bound volumes of Angewandte Chemie, Nachrichten aus der Chemie, and Chemie in Unserer Zeit will be given away

Angewandte Chemie 10/2013: Celebrate with Us!
Overview of the Anniversary Symposium issue of Angewandte Chemie

Efficient Oxidation of Methane to Methanol
Efficient oxidation of methane to methanol by dioxygen mediated by tricopper clusters

Improved Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalyst
A doubly doped, few layered graphene oxide catalyst shows increased activity for the oxygen reduction reaction

Angewandte Chemie 9/2013: A Radio Star
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Electron-Hopping Through Biofilms
A mathematical model has been developed to predict electrochemical activity in biofilms for microbial fuel cells