Can you guess the famous scientist from the description

Guess the Chemist (23)

Wonderlab Comic – Thin Layer Chromatography
Jo's lessons in analytical techniques continue with a lesson in thin layer chromatography

Learning a New Language: Moving Countries and Changing Subjects
Wilhelm T. S. Huck discusses what change means for scientists and how his research has evolved to the study of small water droplets

Home-Spun Fibers
Electrospun hierarchical CaCo2O4 nanofibers are promising materials for lithium-ion batteries

Certification of Renewable Resources
Possibilities of a certification for sustainability in the field of material use of biomass discussed at event in Berlin

Scientists (of the World) Behave!
Katharina Al-Shamery discusses ethics with regards to scientific publishing

More Transparency
Optically transparent water oxidation catalyst made from copper nanowires

2013 KCS–Wiley Young Chemist Awards
Y. Jung, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and S. Park, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology were awarded

Power from the Sea?
Triboelectric nanogenerator extracts energy from ocean waves

Electric Storage System
A simple two-step method to synthesize one-dimensional V2O5 nanofibers (VNFs) for pseudocapacitor applications