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Guess the Chemist (33)

Academic Ranking of World Universities 2014
Harvard University remains the number one for the 12th consecutive year and 25 new universities make the top 500 list

CH2 Adds Something to Fullerenes
Methylene addends in fullerene electron acceptors increase solar-cell efficiency

Most Accessed Articles: July 2014
Read the most-accessed ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journal articles for July 2014

Phosphotungstic Acid as an Alternative to Nafion
One-step synthesis of a proton exchange membrane by incorporation of phosphotungstic acid into a polymer matrix

Developing More Environmentally Friendly Solvents
Professor J. Brennecke, Notre Dame, USA, talks about the usage of ionic liquids to develop environmentally friendly processes

2013 ISI Impact Factors: ChemPubSocEurope Journals
Citations of ChemPubSoc Europe journals increased by more than 100 % in the last five years

2013 ISI Impact Factors
Excellent Results for Wiley and Wiley-VCH in the 2013 Journal Citation

Behind the Science: Behavior of Highly Diluted Electrolytes in Strong Electric Fields
Dr. A. Deveson, Deputy Editor Chemistry – A European Journal, talks to Professors van Eldik and Weber about their recent article

Comic Competition
Submit your cartoon and have the chance to win one of three exciting prizes