The Young Chemists Forum (JCF) of the GDCh represents nearly one-fifth of the German Chemical Society (GDCh)

Introducing the Young Chemists Forum

Balloon Competition of the Young Chemists Forum
IYC 2011 Balloon Competition is organized by the JungChemikerForum (Young Chemists Forum; JCF) of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker

Everybody – Many – 60 – 15 – 4
German selection process for the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) from the North Rhine-Westphalian point of view and its success

World’s Largest-Ever Chemistry Experiment
The first crowdsourced chemistry experiment is measuring water quality across the globe as part of the IYC

International Chemistry Olympiad – Closed
High school students from around the globe take part in the International Chemistry Olympiad for the 43rd time

Periodic Table of Videos Wins SPORE Prize
The Science Prize for Online Resources in Education has been awarded to a video project from the University of Nottingham, UK

Periodic Debate
Mendeleev's Periodic Table is, for many, the symbol of chemistry but is the current layout the best one?

Interview with W. H. Chan, Hong Kong Baptist University
Wing-Hong Chan, not only a renown scientist, but also a passionate lecturer, talks about his career and exciting chemistry

First Science Slam in Karlsruhe
Falko Brinkmann organized the first Science Slam in Karlsruhe; here he talks about his inspiration and the event

How To Make Proteins Happy
Experiences from a Science Slam — ChemistryViews talks with the winners of the first Science Slam in Karlsruhe, Germany