What made Stradivari's violins so special? Klaus Roth looks at the important role of chemistry in Stradivari's workshop and instruments

Chemical Secrets of the Violin Virtuosi — Part 1

Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Column Packing
The quick and efficient setting up of a column can take years to master. Here are some tips and tricks to set up the perfect column

The Settlers of Catan Found Oil
Catan: Oil Springs is a new scenario for the popular board game The Settlers of Catan by Klaus Teuber

YouTube Space Lab Competition
Students aged 14 to 18 were asked to send their ideas for experiments to be performed on the International Space Station in a two minute video

Science on Stage Festival
European teachers are invited to share good practice in science teaching and to discuss (new) ways of improving the quality of science lessons

Experiences of a Voluntary Scientific Year
Robin Schuchmann, one of 56 students volunteering for one year in labs in Hanover, talks about his experiences and how it impacts his future

The Flame Challenge
Explaining Science: share your love of science, and be judged by a panel of 11-year-olds

1,000,000 Impacting 200,000,000
Global project to provide one million chemistry kits to two million students in the developing world launched

How Do Fuel Cells Work?
Fuel cells directly convert the energy of a chemical reaction between the fuel and an oxidant into electrical energy

How Wind Turbines Work
The diameter of wind turbines rotors has doubled each decade, helping capture stronger winds at higher elevations