Schlenk lines can be daunting for the first-time user. We looked at basic Schlenk line design and how to start and stop a Schlenk line

Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Air-Sensitive Techniques (1)

Tips for Writing Better Science Papers: References (8)
The reference section is easy to compile, but these insider tips can help make it easy to read and use too

Much Water Joke
Some syntheses call for uncommon reagents, but where does one find the much water?

Tips for Writing Better Science Papers: Experimental (7)
Possibly the easiest section of a manuscript to write, but there are still things you can do to improve your experimental section

Interview with James T. Aquaticus
James Thermus Aquaticus, a Gram-negative thermophilic bacterium, talks about his involvement in the most important enzymes in molecular biology

TUM DeSal Challenge 2013 Teams Announced
Providing water for the world: Competition to supply drinking water by desalination without using fossil energy, at low cost, with minimum effort

New Pope, New Chemistry
Not only did the newly-elected Pope study chemical engineering, but the smoke that signals the decision involves some interesting chemistry

What is Shale Gas? How Does Fracking Work?
How does hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and horizontal drilling make natural gas trapped in shale rock formations financially feasible and accessible?

Tips for Writing Better Science Papers: Graphics and Tables (5)
If a picture is worth a 1000 words, what can a well laid out graphic do for your manuscript? Insider tips for clearer graphics and tables

Call For CHEMCARS 2013
Compete in a car race with unusual rules by designing and building a shoebox-sized car powered by a chemical reaction