Participate in the photo contest of the European Young Chemists' Network (EYCN) "Photochimica 2016"

Chemistry is Everywhere

Best of 2015
Content you liked best in 2015

Working for the JCF – The Young Chemists’ Forum of the German Chemical Society
Members of the national board about the work and aims of the JCF and their personal motivations

Blood Types and Carbohydrate Chemistry
Simple carbohydrates play an important part in the AB0 blood types

Using Chemistry to Support Global Sustainability
Dr. Zoey R. Herm, winner of the Reaxys PhD Prize, on her research, fascination for chemistry, and future plans

The Challenge for German Chemistry Teachers
Advanced courses in chemistry: Essential for the future of chemistry

What is a Dibaryon?
Any idea?

EYCN: Ten Years Connecting Young Chemists
Founded in 2006, today the European Young Chemists’ Network (EYCN) represents 26 chemical societies from 22 different countries

The Electromagnetic Spectrum
There's more to the electromagnetic spectrum than meets the eye

Young Chemists Fearlessly Crossing Borders
An international exchange program perspective from the American Chemical Society (ACS)'s Younger Chemists Committee (YCC)