Some of the issues faced by reviewers, from the perspective of an editor's seat
12 Tips for Referees
What is Chirality?
Right- and left-handed structures occur almost everywhere
Chemical Process Safety – Test Your Knowledge (3)
Incompatible mixtures in storage tanks
What is an ORCID?
Why should you have one and how do you get one? What kind of data are stored?
The Oxidation of Alcohols
How does the oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids work?
What are Fluorescence and Phosphorescence?
Certain substances emit light after the absorption of photons
Chemical Process Safety – Test Your Knowledge (2)
Flammable hydrogen-air mixtures
Expectations of Younger Chemists in France
International Younger Chemist Network: The expectations of younger chemists in France
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Chemical Process Safety – Test Your Knowledge
Consequences of electrostatic discharges