Members of the newly formed International Younger Chemists Network (IYCN) talk about their ideas, aims, and work

The Future of Chemistry is Global

Chemistry of a Sparkler
Chemical look at a hand-held firework

Crystallization of Chocolate
Cocoa butter is polymorphic and can crystallize into several crystal forms. How does this affect the quality of chocolate?

Jong-KVCV: Spotlight on Chemistry and Future Scientists
Members of the Youth Division of the Royal Flemish Chemical Society (Jong-KVCV) talk about their motivations and work

How to Write Better Science Papers
Explaining scientific principles in simple and understandable language is a valuable skill: The video gives first tips

Chemical Processes
Do you remember which chemical process produces which substance?

Chemical Process Safety – Test Your Knowledge
Chemical process safety has become a widespread, international concern and receives high attention within the chemical industry

What is Glyphosate?
Short summary of controversy about world’s best-selling weed killer

What is a Baryon?
Any idea?

12 Tips for Referees
Some of the issues faced by reviewers, from the perspective of an editor's seat