Highlights from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals
Most Accessed Articles: August 2018
Improving Process Safety Education
S. H. Kadri, Executive Director, Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), on his vision of process safety education
Behind the Scenes at the 50th International Chemistry Olympiad
The world's most prestigious pre-university chemical competition
Bringing Ethics in Chemistry to Universities
Dr. Jan Mehlich has recorded a unique online class on ethics in chemistry
The first Italian communication contest dedicated to the chemical sciences
Tips for Video Shooting
Some very simple tips for beginners on how to improve your video to give you a better chance at the Element Video Competition
Progress in the Austrian Young Chemists Network
Organization has expanded from seven founding members to a nationwide network
The Chemistry of Pools
Why do we chlorinate pools and how does it work?
What is a Football Shirt Made Of?
Different materials and their properties
The Next Generation of Portuguese Chemists
History, goals, and activities of the Young Chemists Group of the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ)