German Chemical Industry Fund supports young scientists, teachers, and students

12 Million Euros to Promote Young Talent

To Generate Innovations
Marion Paolini just finished her postdoc in one of the most well-known biotechnology labs and speaks about mentoring and innovation

Equilibrating Equality – The Current Situation of LGBTQ Scientists
Being part of a sexual or gender minority in the sciences

Equilibrating Equality – Twelve LGBTQ Chemists Share Their Experiences
Highlighting chemists who have contributed to the visibility initiative "500 Queer Scientists"

What Makes Slime Slimy?
Happy Halloween – Simple explanation of the chemistry behind slime

Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Collection of interviews with Nobel Laureates, Nobel Prize quizzes, and all the fascinating details surrounding the prestigious award

Chemistry Nobel Prize Quiz
How much do you know about the Nobel Prize Laureates?

GDCh’s WiFo in Aachen
Highlights of the most important chemistry congress in the German-speaking world

Most Accessed Articles: August 2019
Highlights from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Engaging the Next Generation
Experiment competition organized by the International Younger Chemists' Network (IYCN) to create material for outreach