Highlights of the most important chemistry congress in the German-speaking world
GDCh’s WiFo in Aachen
Most Accessed Articles: August 2019
Highlights from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals
Engaging the Next Generation
Experiment competition organized by the International Younger Chemists' Network (IYCN) to create material for outreach
Tattooing From a Chemical Point of View
What are tattoo inks? Where in the skin is the tattoo? What happens when a tattoo is removed?
Open-Minded and Adaptable – Working in an International Environment
Interview with young scientists about their experiences in an international job market
Chemistry Students Abroad – Many Paths to International Experience
Alice Missio, University of St Andrews, UK, talked with international students about their time abroad
Chemical View on Guitar Strings
Inspired by the Woodstock anniversary, we look at the chemistry of guitar strings
What Do We Know about the Moon?
Learn about the Moon and its exploration
Diesel or Electric Car?
Climate effects of electric cars over their entire life cycle compared with greenhouse gas emissions from petrol and diesel vehicles
Research and Art Benefit from Each Other
Experiences with an art exhibition held at SETAC Europe’s Annual Meeting in Helsinki, Finland