In this Clever Picture we look at the chemistry of one of the oldest spices

Cinnamon Chemistry

Allspice Chemistry
Contrary to what its name suggests, allspice is not a mixture but one unique ingredient

Sugar Chemistry
We all love sugar, but what is it chemically and since when do we know sugar?

Baking Powder Chemistry
We know baking powder as raising agent from the kitchen and in this Clever Picture we take a look at how it works and how it was developed

Clove Chemistry
We know cloves as a spice in the kitchen and in this Clever Picture we want to take a closer look at what clove is

Chemistry Advent Calendar 2020
Daily highlights from the chemistry of spices

Print Your Own Microscope
Low-cost, open-source, modular, 3D-printed microscopy toolbox

Online Networking – How Networking Works During Corona
The best tips from different scientists and their experiences with online meetings

Chemistry Public Outreach in the Time of COVID-19
Interview with Soledad Martínez and Adalgisa Martínez-Silveira from Uruguay

Why Do We Stink When We Eat Garlic?
The video shows how the smell is created and what influences it