Actions that chemistry should take to adapt to new challenges and seize untapped opportunities

Chemistry 2030: A Roadmap for a New Decade

People Who Understand, Value, and Respect Chemistry
Professor D. Rabinovich, USA, on his interest in chemistry stamps, and what it takes to get people excited about chemistry

What Happens When Bananas Ripen?
Bringing ripe bananas to the market is not so easy, and what happens in the fruit during ripening?

A Virtual Journey in Empowering Early-Career Chemists
Experiences of younger chemists with virtual events

A European Chemist, If Not A World Citizen
Chemistry Europe Fellows award ceremony during the Corona pandemic

Experiences at an Online Poster Session
Tips on how poster sessions could work at a digital conference

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The Chemistry of Fireworks
The video shows what happens during fireworks and how chemistry is involved

Sourdough Chemistry
A stable symbiotic culture of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts used as a leavening agent

Nutmeg Chemistry
A look at the chemistry of the slightly volatile aroma of nutmeg