Take a look at ChemistryViews' most viewed content published throughout the year 2020
The Content you Liked Best in 2020
The Chemistry of Fireworks
The video shows what happens during fireworks and how chemistry is involved
Sourdough Chemistry
A stable symbiotic culture of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts used as a leavening agent
Nutmeg Chemistry
A look at the chemistry of the slightly volatile aroma of nutmeg
Print Your Own Mars Rover
ExoMy is a fully 3D printed rover inspired by ExoMars, developed by the European Space Agency (ESA)
Hartshorn Salt Chemistry
Hartshorn salt is a mixture of two parts ammonium hydrogen carbonate and one part ammonium carbonate and some ammonium carbamate
Potash Chemistry
Potassium carbonate is used as a leavening agent for baked goods
The Chemistry of the Candle Flame
What happens chemically when a candle is burned?
Cardamom Chemistry
Cardamom seeds contain an essential oil that gives them a spicy, sweetish hot aroma
Anise Chemistry
A look at the chemistry of anise seed, which is used as a spice, either ground or whole