Easy-to-build microscope achieves sub-micron resolution

Build Your Own Microscope

A Better Grasp of Chemical Structures for Students
Project at Freie Universität Berlin uses augmented reality to display molecules and crystal structures in 3D

Most Accessed Articles: May 2021
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

CWTS Leiden University Ranking 2021
Scientific performance of over 1200 universities assessed based on bibliometric indicators

Where Does the Typical Sea Smell Come From?
Of course, chemistry plays a role – the short video explains how

Becoming More Visible
Insights into how EuChemS works by the new president Floris Rutjes, Radboud University, The Netherlands

Smart Glasses: Tool or Toy? – Part 1
Latest research into laboratory applications for smart glasses

Comparing COVID-19 Vaccines
Comparing vector vaccines based on adenoviruses and mRNA vaccines

How Does Our Body Process Alcohol?
The short video describes which processes take place in the body during alcohol breakdown and how long this takes

Younger Chemists Thriving during the Global COVID-19 Pandemic
The IYCN surveyed younger chemists worldwide about the difficulties posed by the pandemic and the opportunities to grow and succeed